Offline Magazine

Don't Forget Yourself

Written on August 19, 2023

Wherever you are on the political spectrum, we can all agree that the world has certain problems that are giving us stress. Not being able to pay this month's bills, society being so full of injustice, nature dissapearing at a rate so fast we have never seen before, light pollution causing most people never being able to see the abundance of stars and the Great Rift of the Milky Way et cetera.

Throughout all this turmoil we must never forget ourselves. However brave one may be for standing up for what he or she believes in, we must never forget to take care of ourselves as well.

What it means to take care of yourself may differ from person to person, but some things are universal. Eating and drinking healthily, not succumbing to stress, not using drugs and keeping a certain calmness throughout the day are all examples of how one may take care of what is most important.

Try doing things that make you happy everyday, whether this is taking care of a little indoor herbal garden, taking a day off or spending an entire night doing nothing. Try to tune out of society's woes every once in a while and do the things you feel deep in your soul you need to do.

Don't forget to make long term plans as well. Think about yourself in the future, where do you want to be when you grow older? The same place where you are now? Or do you want to be somewhere else? Whether this somewhere is a physical or a mental place doesn't matter.

Maybe you want to lose weight, take better care of your health, start meditating or even move from one country to another. No goal should be unattainable.

Personal advice from me is to start brainstorming and writing ideas or thoughts down in a notebook when they come up. Try figuring out deep desires you may have and be sure to give it everything you got to make them come true.