Offline Magazine

A Natural Life

Written on June 6, 2023

People used to think differently, it's not hard to imagine why. Before everybody carpet bombed concrete and asphalt everywhere, before nature was actively being battled by being poisoned to the point that most flowers, herbs and plants are not able to naturally grow almost anywhere anymore, people were living in a environment drastically different to ours and with living such a drastically different environment comes having a drastically different mindset.

To be able to think in the way people were able to think naturally nowadays, you have to actively change things in your life to do so. The modern zeitgeist is a philosophy of death. It's the end of all natural things for as far as it reaches.

You are continiously under attack — for example by social media, commercials and political propoganda — so, it is not weird that you sometimes feel bad, without knowing why you are feeling that way, most of this warfare is being fought on the subconscious level.

The way to avoid these attacks is quite simple, but it's also a big lifestyle change. The solution is trying your best to live a natural life. With the word natural I mean both natural environment and the nature of things, or the nature of how things are in a natural environment. This means following the natural world around you, leaving the busyness of the political and commercial world behind.

For example, try filling your living environment with natural substances such as wood, glass, plants, herbs and flowers and throwing the modern synthetic materials such as plastic away. Try hiking in nature — if your living environment allows it — instead of taking walks on concrete all the time.

Avoid social media and most electric technology in general. There are great sites on which you can learn a lot of fun and interesting information, but sadly, most internet websites are designed to trick you into watching commercial after commercial.

Try to avoid this type of manipulative behaviour in general, whether it is by a person or by a company.