Offline Magazine


Welcome to my website. It was created on December 18, 2022 as a creative outlet and as a way to teach myself how to code better. Here I write Essays on whatever interests me at the time of writing, keep public Notes — mostly on herbalism and natural alternatives to modern synthetics — and share Links from other websites I enjoy.

My main interests that I will write about the most are usually, but not exclusively, simple living, deep ecology, herbalism and spirituality.

For more information about me and this website, please visit the About page. If there is anything you like to ask or tell me, please don't hesitate to get in touch. You can reach me on my Neocities profile.

This website has been coded from scratch in HTML and CSS and is completely JavaScript free.

I hope you enjoy your stay!

Latest Essays

Why You Should Block Ads
Why I block ads and why you should too.
The Economy Is Fake
Why the economy is fake and how to fix it.
The Source
A short meditation on the creation of the universe.
Follow Your Intuition
An argument for the importance of intuition.
Thinking About Thinking
What exactly is thinking and where do thoughts come from?