Offline Magazine

The Magical World

Written on February 2, 2024

When you really think about it, the universe we live in is filled with magic. The world may seem a bit boring when you stay indoors, sit in front of a computer all day and are forced to go to work, but nothing could be more wrong.

Although being in nature really helps to understand the magic faster and better, even if you stay indoors, when you deeply think about life and the world, the only conclusion you can draw is that the universe is truly magical.

Consciousness is a perfect example of this magic. Where does it come from and where does it go once it is separated from the materialistic world? These questions still remain unanswered and will most likely remain unanswered forever. The seemingly simple question of what consciousness actually is, is one on which there is not even consensus, let alone the more difficult question posed above.

Although we have penetrated the material universe through experimentation and have been able to find and even name what appear to be the building blocks of our universe, the questions of how the material world can form and how this material world can be blessed with life and consciousness remain unanswered.

How can we store thoughts and better yet, where are they stored? Why is it that some people are born with memories of a life they have never lived? Where do these memories come from?

While this world may seem boring at times — because it was made boring by the people who forced us to work for them — pierce the veil and find more than enough magic to philosophize about for the rest of your life.

Things that we have come to see as normal because they happen all around us are actually pure magic that we still do not understand how they work. An example, the photosynthesis of plants. How beautiful and magical is it that these leaves move like a natural symphony to absorb as much sunlight as possible to grow even bigger?

Get out into nature as much as possible and experience the magic of the plants, the trees and the formation of rivers and all the other beautiful structures that fill this world. Try not to see this life as a bad experience, because even though we are surrounded by evil creatures, life itself is not guilty of that.

Try to explore the mysteries of life and discover how little we actually know and how much of what you think you know is pure speculation. Now that such a large population of the world can read and talk to each other — something that has never been the case in history — we are able to share these mysteries and discussions and discover more together than anyone ever knew in the past.