Offline Magazine

Follow Your Intuition

Written on March 18, 2024

Have you ever had to make a seemingly difficult choice and immediately thought you knew the answer? And even though your brain starts to play tricks on you and tries to make you doubt your first decision, you will find out that it was the right choice all along.

If you immediately think of a certain answer after being asked the question, you will probably immediately start to have doubts. But, as anyone who's ever watched a quiz show knows, always stick to your gut. It's better to stick with the answer that came to mind intuitively, because that answer is probably the right one.

Although they may seem similar, there is a difference between intuition and instinct. Intuition is that which arises naturally from itself, it is intrinsic knowledge that your consciousness tells you. It is you becoming aware of something your consciousness wants you to know.

Instinct is based on pattern recognition, it is reactionary to something you see or have seen. The difference is that intuition is spiritual, while instinct is material. You can distinguish between the two by trying to feel where the feeling comes from. Intuition rarely rises in the form of an impulse, because you already knew the information you were told.

The best way to train in feeling your intuition is — as with most mental training — through meditation and concentration. Try sitting or lying still with nothing around you and feeling what your consciousness is trying to tell you. What are you feeling, where are your thoughts going and what are they trying to tell you.

Once you have a little experience feeling your intuition, you will discover that it is an extremely powerful tool for making decisions in your life.