Offline Magazine

Bad Energy

Written on May 3, 2024

A few months ago a black cat passed by my path. I tried to avoid this by walking around the cat in a curve, but unfortunately this turned out to be a useless exercise.

As the cat walked right through my path and there was nothing I could do about it anymore, I jokingly thought to myself: «That's it, now I've gained bad luck.»

It turned out I was right, because within 10 minutes I faced a robbery attempt. This whole incident made me think about bad luck and bad energy. Was it pure coincidence? Or perhaps it was the cat that caused me this evil? Or was the cat just a sign that I already had bad energy around me? A materialisation of that fact?

It turns out that many cultures are already aware of this bad energy and have even devised ways to thwart it. It was mentioned by Hesiod, Plato and Virgil and even appears in the Bible and the Quran. Amulets that protect against it have been found dating back to about 5000 years ago.

In English, it is usually called the evil eye.

There are several ways in which this bad energy can attach itself to you, mainly through an angry look, usually inspired by jealousy, but any bad thought can cause it. This energy then attaches itself to you and can cause unpleasant consequences.

If this is true, it was not the black cat that brought me bad luck, but the black cat was just a manifestation of the bad luck I already had.

Research into the smallest building blocks of the universe, quantum mechanics, has not yet answered many questions and only seems to raise more questions. However, it did indicate certain answers.

The first is that the building material of the universe is energy waves. A group of scientists even stated that they were able to create particles from nothing using only electromagnetic waves.

The second is that it seems as if consciousness has power over the placement of the particles and therefore, perhaps, also over the energy waves.

More research is needed, of course, but when you think about it this way, it doesn't seem that far off that humans are capable of sending bad or even evil energy to other people, which can then manifest itself.