
Written on January 17, 2024

It almost seems like almost everything is out there to distract us. And by all means, this is true. We are constantly assaulted by ads that are trying to be more distracting than any other, whether because they are more annoying, more anger-inducing, or more sad. They do this because nothing works better than abusing primal instincts when trying to distract someone.

Previously, what was distracting was the commercial itself, but this ensures that you only watch it once or just a few times before zoning out. And although this still happens today, it turns out that what works much better is to make the commercial a byproduct, something in between the things that are already distracting you.

This is what most websites utilize today. They distract you with pictures or videos while brainwashing you with the commercials in between.

That's why your personal data is such an expensive commodity these days. Entire companies are built on buying and reselling your personal information on a shady black market because they know what to show you when they know what you like, but especially what you don't like.

This is why entire apps and websites have become so filled with hate, it keeps you chained to their specific app or website and keeps you coming back. And this makes it possible for the company that owns the app or website to bombard you with ads to make a buck.

It's how companies like Instagram, TikTok and other apps or websites can be so addictive. They either do it by rewarding you like a casino would do to a compulsive gambler, but most often they do it by using your own primal instincts against yourself.

It turns out that abusing negative emotions works better to distract someone than abusing their positive emotions. Let's be clear, no one in history has been under as constant mental attack as we are now.